Author name: Reynold

Recent listening (Prokofiev, Martino, XTC and Ravel)

I listen to music every day quite intently. On my iPod during my one hour daily jog and on CD in my car. My recent favorites come from very different sources and styles. 1) “Prokofiev Piano Concertos One, Two and Three.”All great and full of invention. My favorite recording of these Concertos is the one by pianist Michael Beroff and […]

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Random or Design?

This is the central question I have pondered my entire life. It is (in my opinion) the central theme behind all theology, science and physics as well. Brevity and concision (my main two rules of musical construction) also derive from my drilling down on this essential and existential question. I am certain that my life’s vocation as a musician and

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Mr. Turner

Mr. Turner By far the best film I have seen in years is the 2014 British film Mr. Turner. Character actor Timothy Spall is spectacular in the title role of British painter J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851). Turner was, in many ways, a revolutionary artist. Of course he was an eccentric and an irascible but lovable character much like Beethoven, who was

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