Everything is Always

This is a recording done directly on my iPhone in my backroom on 3/26/2020. So obviously it is of less than studio quality. In fact, it was recorded on “Voice Memos” which, as I understand, is a utility on all iPhones. It turned out quite well considering. I intended to record this song soon in a studio but the current world situation preempted that intention.

I think the message is direct enough and certainly applicable to the current situation. Please listen/watch until the end of the piece because, otherwise, the full import of the message is lost.

Keep the faith.

“Everything Is Always”
(Composed and performed by Reynold D. Philipsek 2020 copyright Zino-Rephi Music BMI) All Rights Reserved

We are here
Then we’re gone
Still we
Carry on

Lost souls
On a journey
Who knows where
Through elation and despair
Right there
Along the way

I hope and pray
Some way
Everything is Always

Link here: https://youtu.be/XyTDRnKb5FA